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About a decade ago, Bonnie began on a journey to provide beautiful iris's to
her family and friends. She found a passion and now finds joy not only
providing these flowers to many, but also working with her friends and family
in the garden to make this happen.

Over the coming months, we will be working to build out this page more to
share with the rest of you all the hard work and love that is poured into PetalsWings.
Many ask us each year about the overall process and what happens, now you will
be able to keep up with us and the farm!

New Here?

I'm glad you found us! But know that while this site is new, our business is not. You can find our reviews from our 1,000's of sales on Etsy, Ebay, and Facebook.

Why the new site?

At PetalsWings we wanted to create something a little more special than what we are able to do on the other platforms. We hope to continue to improve this site and bring you along the journey of what it takes to ship you the best product possiable. We also welcome any feedback our valued customers are willing to provide.